(In Progress)
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The portrait project, See You/See Me grew out of "From Latent to Visible: A Photography and Writing Program for Adults Living with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness". In a conversation with me, volunteers who had been participants in the program’s groups shared whatever they wished about their life histories, including their experiences of living with serious mental illness.
Collaborating, we then created a photographic portrait intended to express and make visible the participant’s lived and felt experience. The photographic portrait and the participant’s written response to it comprise the complete portrait.
Participation in this collaborative portrait project proved to be therapeutic for its participants, providing them with a means of expression that was meaningful to them and with an enhanced sense of self-esteem.
At the onset of the pandemic, this project had to be abruptly suspended. It is anticipated that it will resume in Spring 2023.
At the time it was interrupted, ten project portraits had been completed. Three are presented here while the remainder are awaiting signed releases.